Farm Fresh BlogTuesday, April 12 2011
Trot on in to see the newest Spring Brings!
This fella is bred to work cows. (Colonel Freckles on top/Double Hancock on bottom) Very nice baby! Very calm. He is already dragging calves. Other Half already has friends trying to talk him out of this guy. The poor fellow came from North Texas and went from temps in the 30s to temps in the 80s down here (with high humidity!) I can just hear him saying (with a George Lopez accent) "I can't breathe! I can't breathe!"
New Ewes!
And I just couldn't help myself! I've wanted dairy goats for years. The deal was too good to pass up. (package deal from Sheep Goddess) I've been eating their cheese, and bottle feeding their babies, so when Sheep Goddess needed to part with bottle babies to make way for more, I ended up with goats again. Calypso & Swan AND . . . I just happened to fall in love with this girl who is pregnant. She decided she wanted to come home with me too. (Despite the headaches, there's something about goats that I just love!)
And so there were goats again at Failte Gate Farm! (somehow I knew the state of being goat-less wouldn't last long!)
But wait! There's more!!!!
Drumroll please!
The latest, greatest addition to the family . . .
more drumroll . . .
Grandbaby #2 Is this not the most adorable little face??!! It won't be long before his momma has him on a horse! He will be riding The Supervisor's pony in no time! Remember THIS little girl? Two years later . . .
It doesn't come much more adorable than this! (No bias at all!)
What an exciting post -- so many cutie pies! Keep those photos coming :-)
Posted by Terri's Pal on 04/13/2011 - 04:32 PM
I was on vacation last week and am playing catch up on your posts. Grandbaby # 2 is absolutely adorable - congrats! And do goats have any certain desired ratio where the cuteness factor has to offset the cussing factor?!
Posted by Janie on 04/21/2011 - 04:39 PM
Isn't he just the most adorable little thing?!! (no bias at all!) Regarding goats: the cussing factor will ALWAYS exceed the cuteness factor. Goats are just that way. These are tame and quite friendly though. I wish the babies didn't have horns, but it's too late now. We'll just have to deal with it.
Posted by forensicfarmgirl on 04/21/2011 - 06:02 PM