Farm Fresh BlogSaturday, April 02 2011
The End Of The Trail Today was a good day to die. The longest walk I ever take is from the horse trailer, down the path that leads behind the clinic. It's a beautiful path, with tall grass and wildflowers. Trees line either side. Cows bellow from the pasture nearby. I think they call both a welcome, and a farewell. The cows see this walk played out all too often. I've walked this path too many times, for both myself, and dear friends. It's never an easy walk, and it helps to have a girlfriend walk with you - to hold your hand, to lend a shoulder, to remind you to cut a lock of mane and tail. I shared 26 years with Sultan, my sexy senior citizen. I'll miss him, but I know he lived a long, good life. I bought him from his breeder as a four year old, and he never knew an unkind hand. He loved his saddle and his horse trailer. They were his "tickets to adventure." His farrier and his vet loved him - which says a lot for a stallion. He was a model citizen, he was a great horse. I'm honored to have shared the journey with him.
Sad but yet he had a good life with you. I lost 4 in 12 months ranging from 35 down to 30 years. All had come here around 16 yrs. My saddest moment is when they finaly had to be removed. I always tried to keep them for about 24 hrs so the spirit had time. Keep yr memories tucked up tight and he will always be there....Fred the 3 part Arab (32) Mary the Percharon (30) Vida the buckskin (approx 33) and little Dixie the local pony that taught kids to ride for (35) years
Posted by Liz (Vic Aust) on 04/02/2011 - 06:08 PM
WHat a journey you two have had. You did the right thing for each other-even down to the last walk together. Iam so sorry for the pain that you feel but am thankful you had the time together. He will always have a special place in your heart. He is in the tall pasture now and he is still in good company!
Posted by sue in wyoming on 04/02/2011 - 06:13 PM
Vaya con Dios, Sultan.......
Well done, Sheri, well done.
Posted by Diane I. on 04/02/2011 - 06:16 PM
May all my animals be so blessed, and may I return to this Earth as an animal belonging to a woman like you. Be blessed, my friend.
Posted by Dani Ezer on 04/02/2011 - 06:34 PM
We have a candle lit for Kane The Dutch Shepard killed in the line of duty in Washington State - we'll have your handsome equine pal to the wishes for a safe crossing
Posted by Khyra and Phyll on 04/02/2011 - 07:29 PM
My heart is breaking for you, I know how much you love your horses. Its never easy to let an animal go especially the ones that live so long you can't remember life without them. Tonight Sultan runs free with no pain, and no suffering he will always be watching over you. Hugs!
Posted by Gin'.a on 04/02/2011 - 10:11 PM
That is a beautiful picture of you 2 together and is a great symbol of a beautiful life together. He was lucky to have you as his person!
Posted by Janie on 04/04/2011 - 12:55 PM