Farm Fresh BlogThursday, March 24 2011
Since today promises to be another busy day of running errands, and I don't have time to pen a clever blog this morning, (plus I still don't have my camera back yet!) I figured I'd answer some questions Peg sent last night: Which horse did I sell? Yes, she was right, we sold Marshall. Maybe. We'll see. You know how I am. In my world, everyone must be happy - the buyer and the animal. This is a friend of mine and I want to make sure she's happy with him before I consider it finalized. I am a firm believer that once I bring an animal into my home, I am responsible for that animal for the rest of its life whether it still lives with me or not. Which horse did I get back? No, it wasn't Ona. You probably couldn't pry Ona away from that woman even if you used a crow bar. The horse I got back was a four year old Azteca. The lady no longer had the time or facilities for him and so I took him back and put him with the same trainer I use for Montoya, Scout, and Marshall. A herding update? I finally bit the bullet and started taking herding lessons again. (2 hours away) Thus far the weather and my court schedule are cooperating and I see major progress in Lily (and myself) As the Sheep Goddess has politely pointed out, Lily isn't the problem. My handling sucks. I screech commands, wave my arms, and otherwise do lots to confuse my little dog who then lacks the confidence to go out and do a proper fetch, so working with my handling is a must. Lily is having a blast, and I see her gain more and more confidence. After her bad experience with another trainer last year, she had become scared when someone screamed or waved a stick, now she is back to trying to sneak onto the working field again while at practice. I'm very happy to see that. I feared the hole in her confidence was permanent. "Got sheep?" Today I take Zena to a possible new home. (again, assuming the lady and Zena are both happy!) An elderly lady who lost her husband, her daughter, and her dog, is in need of a companion to sit on the couch and watch television with her. Zena would absolutely love a home like that. This could give an older dog a second career and provide years of loving, watchful companionship to an elderly woman. So Peg, hopefully that answered your questions! Other Half and Oli are out of town again, and things tend to overwhelm me when I haven't had enough sleep, enough food, and I'm trying to juggle everything (while he "armchair quarterbacks" over the phone!) Say a prayer that Zena and this lady are perfect for each other other. Zena would be happier in a home like that, but we weren't actively trying to place her. She just gets lost in the sea of panting faces that jockey for our attention around here. There she would have her own person that she didn't have to share. We shall see how it turns out. Comments:
Wow. I love Zena so glad you are fining her an onlydog home. I used to raise GSDs and just love them, plus they do such a great job of keeping those weirdo's off my property. Still miss them, What is an Azteca, I will google and see what I get.
Posted by Libby on 03/24/2011 - 03:02 PM
An Azteca is a cross between an Andalusian and a Quarter Horse. It's the national horse of Mexico. They are the bullfighting horses.
Posted by forensicfarmgirl on 03/24/2011 - 08:21 PM
Thanks for the updates! I love the Zena story best and hope it works out better than Ice did with your mom, although Stone would say that one worked out just fine too.
Posted by Peg H. on 03/27/2011 - 01:12 AM