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Wednesday, March 24 2010

While Jamaica won many battles, she lost the war.  Early this morning we had to put her down.  The tetanus was simply too much on top of the injury she already had and her immune system finally gave out.  We learned a great deal from this experience and like my vet told me,  "It's 30% medicine and 70% luck."  I regret that I didn't recognize the signs of tetanus hours earlier and start the antitoxin then, but as one sheep rancher told me, "Most folks lose the first ones. You learn. And after that you're able to see the signs earlier."

On a happier note:

Lily the Border Collie has been weed-eating beside the porch.  She loves to munch on a tall weed that grows against the house and always grabs a bite on each pass in and out the door. It has now been eaten down enough to reveal this little visitor poking its head out of the ground.  I love Spring.  Forgotten bulbs from discarded flower pots find a way of revealing themselves at just the right time.  Now each Spring when these pop out of the ground, I'll remember Jamaica.

Posted by: forensicfarmgirl AT 12:05 pm   |  Permalink   |  2 Comments  |  Email
It sucks to lose. Always has, always will. Vaya con Dios, Jamaica...... Well done, my dear, well done.
Posted by Diane I. on 03/25/2010 - 12:35 PM
Yes, it does suck, but I will never forget that little ewe's courage.
Posted by forensicfarmgirl on 03/26/2010 - 10:42 AM

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Red Feather Ranch, Failte Gate Farm

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