Farm Fresh BlogTuesday, April 19 2016
We got a break from the rain for a few hours this week and so we snuck the babies outside to play in the Great Outdoors, otherwise known as Water World. While Water World may be an amusement park for human kids, goats don't see the joy of playing in water, so they stayed on high ground close to the barn. Nevertheless, they were thrilled with this new world beyond their pens. We're still kidding out, but these are the little faces that are already here: Sparrow/Jethro 2016 Doeling Our little "Mowgli" child found living with exotic deer: Newest addition to my fiber flock: Watching the kids is enough to tire a good dog out. Comments:
Ha! I knew it! I knew there'd be a pygora in there.... (said the person with 160 dairy goats and ONE boer doe) :)
Posted by paulainnevada on 04/22/2016 - 10:12 AM