Farm Fresh BlogSaturday, January 31 2015
Well, it happened today - this morning - on our morning walk. The goats rushed to the fence to see me and suddenly they slammed on the brakes - staring at my feet. And at my feet a sleeping dragon had awakened. She squared off, lowered her little head, raised her eyebrow, and the National Geographic music rolled. And at that moment, the goats and I realized a baby cowdog woke up. They took a step back and sealed the deal. That was it. The "power" breathed into her like a Jedi force and just like a light switch flipped, Mesa turned on. Alrightie then. I was reminded of one of my favorite scenes in the movie, "Madagascar" when Alex finally realizes he's a lion, the ultimate predator. This scene never fails to put me in stitches: If you haven't seen the movie Madagascar, do yourself a favor and see it. You will not regret it. Comments:
I think we had an awakening at the same time, but the reverse of yours. The new goat just discovered the Border Collies. Yikes! She can run fast!
Posted by Patty on 02/01/2015 - 03:31 PM
Lol! Now that's funny!
Posted by Forensicfarmgirl on 02/01/2015 - 04:03 PM