Farm Fresh BlogTuesday, January 06 2015
Mesa is a Border Collie, a young Jedi warrior, eager to hang out with other members of her race. The problem is - they don't want anything to do with her. I juggle the time she spends with the other dogs carefully. It is a delicate balance. A steady diet of Dillon and she would become a monster. Too much time with The Mean Dogs and she could end up with a serious self-esteem problem, or hurt. They can only handle about 3 minutes of her company. It's nothing personal. They hate everyone - even each other. She has all the moves. She grovels. She gives them space. She just wants to be near their Border Collie Greatness. And for all her efforts, she gets nothing. "I wouldn't care if you died now." "I can help you die now." "If I don't look at you, maybe you'll die." "Go play in street, Worm." Eventually their attitude sinks in and she settles down in the mud to wonder why they hate her. I remind her there is a reason why we call them "The Mean Dogs."
What about Briar as a friend/mentor?
Posted by Liz (Vic Aust) on 01/06/2015 - 04:27 PM
Briar will probably be okay, but I want to wait until Mesa is older. As Briar has aged, she's really developed a dislike for Lily and cannot be trusted alone with her. Mesa is an infant, and Briar likes infants, but Mesa is also a Border Collie, and Briar isn't a big fan of uppity Border Collies who look like Lily. Because Mesa is so little and Briar is so big, I just don't want to take any chances. If Mesa was a lamb, she'd be perfectly safe.
Posted by forensicfarmgirl on 01/06/2015 - 08:59 PM