Farm Fresh BlogSaturday, January 03 2015
There many skills a well-rounded pup must master. Climbing stairs Drinking out of the water trough And to see her through all these lessons is her BFF - Best Friend Forever, Dillon. The eternal child, he is happy to play with Mesa. In fact, she's the neatest toy he's ever had. But their play must be monitored closely. Dillon is a big fan of any stick he can find in the yard. Dillon defines stick as anything ranging from the size of a twig to a log. I do not want him playing with sticks around her. Sticks are dangerous. This is not on the approved toy list. "NO!" Despite her size, Mesa the Mogwai thinks nothing of stealing a stick from him. Strong-arm robbery And good-natured beast that he is, Dillon lets her get away with it. He bows to her size and her temper. That is the recipe for making a monster. Fortunately there are other members of the family who are more than ready to give Mesa a dose of reality. "Sister you better start dialing 911 now." Comments: